
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Poached Pears poached in Good Earth Superfruit Pomegranate Green Tea

Some of you might know that tomorrow is my birthday and  as a lot of you know I am presently giving away 2 boxes of your choice of Good Earth Tea and a T-Shirt. Have you ever thought to add tea into your recipes? Well I did! Plus I already made a fabulous Sweet and Spicy Banana Bread made with Good Earth tea. As of today, we have only had a couple of entries however, for my birthday, all I would like to see is a couple more entriess; so to enter please click here. Please leave a comment plus follow me and Good Earth tea on Facebook and Twitter. This giveaway will be over at midnight on December 31, 2010. The winner will be announced on Monday January 3, 2011.

Poached Pears poached in Good Earth Pomegranate Superfruit Green Tea
4 pears
2 Cups of Water
3/4 cup sugar
½ tsp cinnamon

Boil water for tea and steep for 10 minutes until a deep red color is reached.
Take pears and peel .

Cut and core leaving the stem for decoration.

In a separate bowl mix sugar and cinnamon together. Take peeled and cored pears and dip inside with sugar.

Butter 13" x 9" pan

Next place pear that has been dipped in cinnamon sugar combination place face down in buttered pan.
After all pears are coated and placed in pan sprinkle leftover cinnamon sugar on top.

Last add tea and bake in oven at 350 degrees for 45 minutes uncovered.

Serve on a bed of ice cream or just eat by them selves.

Enjoy and Bon Appetite

Sheila Fretz

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Traditional Holiday Rasberry Trifle

In my house the tradition is and has been for many years to start at church in the late afternoon then go on to a festive holiday party. When my Mom was alive she had a real fancy party with family and friends however my Mother and Father always made a traditional dinner. We would start off with a variety of appetizers one of them being a Curry Role which my sister is making this year. Next we would sit down to a sit down dinner with prime rib or a Holiday Roast of some sort. Which my Uncle (Father Duffy) and My Dad (Pancho) would always carve. We would go through the buffet line and get Yorkshire pudding, creamed corn, creamed spinach and re-stuffed potatoes. Then for dessert we would always have trifle for dessert which my Aunt Mim would always make. However that changed after I married Mr. It ; my husband took over the duties of trifle then.  As it turned out this was a tradition that my hubby and I shared and the It’s  always made there jelly roles. So this year with money being tight I decided I was going to make our jelly role too.

Serves 15 to 20 depending on portion size.

First Make 2 batches of English custard ingredients
4 cups Milk
2 Envelopes English Custard Mix make sure it's Gluten Free
6 Tablespoons Sugar

Whisk together all ingredients listed above in double broiler, I do not have a double broiler so I use a Pyrex bowl over water that is boiling. Be patient and stir often.

When it has come to a thick boil remove from heat and chill in refrigerator. It will look like this.
TIP of The Day: After your custard is complete take the bowl and cover with saran wrap and place wrap directly on Custard so no skin forms.

English Trifle Ingredients:
2 Batches of Custard (directions listed above)
5 cups of Fresh Whipping Cream or 1 large can of Whipping Cream NOT WHIPPED TOPPING.
64 oz’s of Frozen Raspberries about (2) 32 oz bags.
1 large Raspberry Jell Roll.

Slice Jelly Roll in ½ inch slices

Place about a 1/4 cup of Custard in bottom of a trifle bowl the prettier the bowl the better.

Next place 1 slice of Jelly Roll on top of Custard.

Cover Custard and Jelly Roll with Whipping Cream

Next add about a ½ cup of Raspberries on top of Whipping Cream

Cover Whipping Cream and Raspberries with Custard.

Add 3 slices of Jelly Roll on top of custard.

Cover Custard and Jelly Roll with Whipping Cream

Next add about a cup of Raspberries on top of Whipping Cream

Cover Whipping Cream and Raspberries with Custard

Add 7 slices of Jelly Roll on top of custard.

Cover Custard and Jelly Roll with Whipping Cream.

Next add about a cup of Raspberries on top of Whipping Cream

Cover Whipping Cream and Raspberries with Custard

Add 4 slices of Jelly Roll on top of custard.

Cover Custard and Jelly Roll with Whipping Cream

Garnish the middle only with Raspberries.

Let sit in refrigerator for 2 hours. Then Serve.

This is such a fabulous dessert I always serve on New Years Eve too!!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

Bon Appetite

Sheila Fretz

Jelly Roll Gluten Free

This recipe for  Jelly Roll  is a recipe that has been in Mr. Fix It's Family for a while however, I have adapted it so it will be gluten free. It's yummy and Tasty and It is a perfect addition to any holiday meal. Plus Don't forget to enter my giveaway with Good Earth Tea Click Here to Enter

Jelly Roll
5 eggs divided egg yolks in One bowl whites in another
2/3 cup sugar for yolks
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup Sorghum flour
1/8 teaspoon Xanthium gum
3 Tablespoons Corn Starch
 1/3 cup sugar whites
1 teaspoon cream of Tarter
1/4 cup of powder sugar
1 cup favorite Jam or Jelly.

12 x 17 Cookie Sheet/ Jelly Role Pan
Parchment paper
Cooking spray

Separate both Yolks and Whites

Take Whites and beat until soft peaks form add 1/3 cup sugar and cream of tarter and set aside.

Next take yolks, 2/3 cup sugar and Vanilla beat for 5 minutes with whisk on beater.

Sift flour, Corn starch and Xanthium gum in a separate bowl

Then slowly add to yolks mixture.

After combines fold in half whites until blended then add other half of whites will look like this.

Double line jell roll pan with Parchment paper and spray with cooking spray. Then pore in batter.

Cook in convection oven at 400 degrees for 8 minutes. Remove from oven let cool 3-4 minutes then role while hot. Make sure to sift powder sugar on top so it will not stick. Cool rolled up for 30 to 45 minutes then un-roll.
Last unroll and fill with jam then re-role and refrigerate.

Enjoy and Bon Appetite

Sheila Fretz

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Good Earth Sweet and Spicy Gluten Free Banana Bread

About a month ago I was speaking to the folks at Good Earth Tea and I am pleased to announce that they are going to be doing a giveaway with me. They have offered to give one lucky winner two Boxes of Tea and a Good Earth T-shirt. To enter see details below now onto the recipe.

Good Earth Sweet and Spicy Banana Bread Ingredients:
1/4 cup Good Earth Sweet and Spicy Tea and Herb Blend
3 Bananas
1 1/3 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 2/3 cups gluten free flour all purposes
½ teaspoon Xanthium gum
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 cup chocolate chips or nuts (optional)
Cooking Spray
TIP Of the Day: When those Bananas are starting to go bad throw them in the freezer with skin and all on. When you want to make any dish that calls for Banana like pie or cake you just have to defrost in a microwave and away you go.

Take Bananas Tea and Sugar and Mix in mixer for 2 minutes. Add eggs, Vanilla

Next Add gluten free flour all purposes, Xanthium gum, and Baking Soda.

Spray baking bread pans fill 2/3 full then sprinkle with nuts or chocolate chips.
Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 40 minutes with small 2 x 4 loaf pan or 60 minutes for 4 x 8 loaf pan

Enjoy and Bon Appetite

Sheila Fretz

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Peach Tarts with Mrs Mix It’s Gluten Free Crumble

Every year when summer time hits I always go to my peach tree during 4Th of July weekend and I pick the tree and take all of the peaches in the house skin them and take the pits out and freeze them so once winter comes and I have the urge for a peach pie or tart I have the fresh ones right out of my garden. Well this last Saturday we were invited to neighbor Annie’s house for a Latke Party. We were asked to bring a gluten free dessert so this is what I brought.
Peach Tarts with Mrs Mix It’s Gluten Free Crumble Ingredients
3 cups of fresh peaches save juice to make filling.
2 Tablespoons of Corn Starch

Make Mrs Mix It’s Gluten Free Pie and Tart Crust  and roll out then set a side.

Next Make Mrs Mix It’s Gluten Free Crumble and set a side

Take Peaches and drain and set a side. If you are using Canned peaches which are packed in juice. which you can drain off and chop small. If using frozen peaches do the same. If using Fresh peaches chop small then take about 1 cup of chopped peaches and blend in blender until liquefied so you have some reserve juices. Next Take liquid and bring to a boil take about 1/4 cup out of pan and mix with 2 Tablespoons of Corn Starch. Make sure you whisk together so there are no lumps. Now add back into pan.

When completely thickened poor in tarts then sprinkle with Mrs. Mix It’s Famous Gluten Free Crumble.

Bake in oven for 18 minutes at 350 degrees.

Bon Appetite!


Sheila Fretz

Gluten Free Cruble topping

Crumble topping
1/2 pound butter (12Stick)
3 cups Gluten Free Oats
1 cup Brown sugar
1 1/2 cup gluten free flour

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mash together until a crumble forms. Place on top of pies or tarts.