
Friday, April 29, 2011

Gluten Free Raspberry Chocolate Chip Scones & The Royal Wedding

Chris Jackson,  Getty Images
The romance that captured our hearts The Royal Wedding of Catherine Middleton's a Commoner and Prince William.  and here is the official Royal Wedding program

Did you stay up? Well I didn’t however, I set my alarm to go off at 1:55 AM yes, you heard right! However, my bodies alarm clock woke me up at precisely at 1:30 the perfect time for the procession of cars from Clarence house to Westminster Abby. Miss J and I had planned the night before to wear our hats and Pajamas.

We would have a tea with Homemade Raspberry Chocolate Chip Scones; Gluten Free of Course! Plus English Breakfast Tea and a ray of fresh fruit. 

Dan Kitwood, Getty Images
 Well I woke up just in time and Miss J woke up to see Miss Catherine Middleton exit the car.  As soon as she arrived Miss J said was she looks beautiful and then quickly went back to sleep.

Courtesy of Getty Images

The Dress was Alex McQueen designed by Sarah Burton This Dress reminded me of a Modernized version of Princess Graces Wedding Gown.

 By 2:30 AM in the morning I was starving so I got out this fabulous fruit plate and a scone. I skipped the tea because I thought I might not be able to go back to sleep.

David Jones- WPA/ Getty Images

 I was so surprised how many people across the country that were awake. At one point I was receiving 30 to 50 tweets a minute very hard to keep up. But once the ceremony started I was so captivated. Around 3:30 AM My eyes started to water and I could not control myself so I went back to sleep right when Prince William and Princess Catherine went to sign there documents. Then as Graceful as Princess Catherine could be like she has been doing it for years the emerged from the church.

Dave Thompson WPA/ Getty Images 

Here is what I missed when I was a sleep!

Andrew Winning Reuters

Peter Macdiarnid  Getty Images

After the kiss Then they left the palace and this totally surprised me!

Daniel Ochoa De Olza, AP

Now on to the recipe of the day Gluten Free Raspberry Chocolate Chip Scones.

Makes about 18 Large Scones

Gluten Free Raspberry Chocolate Chip Scones Ingredients:1 2/3 cup Pecans
1 stick (1/4 of a Pound) Butter
2 Cups Powdered Sugar
1/4 cup Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
2 Eggs
3 cups Oat Flour
1 Cup Oats
1 Cup Frozen Raspberries that have been drained
1 Cup Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
½ Cup Granulated sugar for dusting

Equipment:Cookie Sheet
Silpat or Parchment Paper
Ice Cream Scoop

Preheat Convection Oven to 350 degrees.

In Food Processor grind up pecans until it looks like this.

Next add dough blade and Mix in Butter.

Then add powder sugar baking powder and eggs.

Next add Oat Flour a cup at a time until ball forms
Then fold in Old Fashioned Oats

Next Fold in Raspberries 

Then fold In Chocolate Chips

Next Scoop out a ball of dough then sprinkle with sugar repeat until dough is gone

Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes until firm.

Bon Appetit and Enjoy

Sheila Fretz

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Southern California Adventure to Disneyland

We have the best friends anyone could ask for. Our Original Plans were changed at the last minute, our friends who live in San Diego, were treating us to a grand stay at The Disneyland Hotel. We had originally planned to spend a couple days with them at their home, then hit the Major attractions of San Diego like Sea World and The San Diego Zoo. However, after receiving a pleasant surprise phone call on Wednesday afternoon; we quickly found out that there was rain in the forecast and they did not want to ruin Miss J’s Easter. So they would treat us to a special trip of Disneyland and a overnight visit. Which was great because we have a pass plus  what child and or adult doesn’t like Disneyland. After a couple of days at the Disneyland resorts eating gluten free meals. I was quiet surprised how many options there were.

Tip When you arrive Stop at City Hall they have a whole list of gluten Free Options. Which I have attached at the bottom of this post. (Note these flyer's are dated and this one expires May 8, 2011)

It seemed that every restaurant had one or two and sometimes three gluten free options. We started off our trip by eating breakfast at Steak house 55. There Miss J  dined on Gluten Free Pancakes, Fruit and Bacon, I had the Eggs Benedict and my hubby had a Build your own Omelet plus our friends had eggs bacon and bagels, plus we all had coffee and Miss J had an apple juice I'm not sure what the bill was because our friends treated us. However I can tell you the food was just scrumptious and the company even better.

Then we went to The Disneyland Hotels Annual  Easter Egg Hunt. In order to participate you must be a registered guest. As soon as you check in you must register at Guest Services and if you do not have arm band you will not be allowed to hunt for eggs.  Every child gets a egg carton and can only pick up 12 eggs and the main goal is to obtain a golden egg  It was just fabulous and Miss J won the Golden Egg at The Disneyland Hotels annual Easter Egg Hunt, she was so excited to win this Pluto Stuffy.

After the Egg Hunt we visited Down town Disney and stopped at Marceline’s Confectionery and watched them dip there strawberries in using Guittard Milk Chocolate which happens to be gluten free. So we had to try these don’t they look yummy.

Next we rode many rides and visited many attractions such as Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Haunted House and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. By now it is seriously raining and its not just drizzling it is coming down like cats and dogs.  So we grabbed Some Pop Corn and tried to figure out a place where we could get out of the rain.

We better try to get where its dry so we go to It’s A Small World and Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin. By now its about 1:30 pm and its starting to get crowded. So we decided to head back to our room and eat some lunch.

Money Saving Tip 2: I always try to pack cold cuts and fruit and cheese this way  when we want an easy lunch or snack we can have it in our room or use the Disney Resorts Picnic area in addition we save some dollars.  However, because it was raining really hard we decided to go back to our room and have the snacks that we had packed and some Easter Treats Mr. Easter Bunny Left and take a nap.

                                                                                                                                                                             We woke up after our nice nap and went to bugs land and rode Francis Lady Bug Flyer and
 Flik's Flyer's 

We had dinner at Sonoma Terrace at the Golden Vine Winery we had the Pasta Bolanase which my husband and I split plus a Caprese Salad and Miss J had  the Gluten Free Option of Rice Noodles and Marinara Sauce. I would have taken a picture but she was so hungry it was gone before I could blink. The bill was 56.00 but we received a 10% discount because we are pass holders. 

The Pastas were  great however the next day we went to Pizza Port for Lunch and they had the same gluten free menu items for half the price! So If you are going for ambiance I’d definitely go to Sonoma Terrace. Plus they serve alcohol at The California Adventure Park and  you can have a glass of Wine with your dinner.

Next we rode the Ferris wheel and had a fabulous time then after we went to the ice cream cart and had a Mickey Ice cream. So yummy we ate it so fast there are no pictures. But the next time I go I will be sure to add to the post.

The best part about our stay was the view from our room. That night it was way to cold to stay out and watch, "wishes" and me being a Californian,I was a wimp! We watched "wishes", from our room on the 11th floor. Check out the view from our room of the fireworks. Across the hall was the presidential suite!

The next day we got up and had cereal that I had prepacked in our room. Plus the complimentary coffee that is offered in the lobby for its guest. Then off to the park. Starting with ride on the monorail into tomorrow land then off to Fantasyland to ride Dumbo, The Carousel

and a visit with the princesses.

We next went to Pizza Port for lunch they have a huge gluten free selection From Pizza to Salads to Pasta, so yummy.  Then off to see captain E.O which was a huge disappointment. Oh well, I hope you enjoyed our trip

Enjoy the Tips for a Gluten free trip to Disneyland and make sure you stop to get your own guide at the city hall in Disneyland, however, for your convenience mine is bellow.


Sheila Fretz

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter to you and your family

 I will be posting my Gluten Free adventures next week.

However, I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Easter.

Be Safe !!

Sheila Fretz

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Bacon Wrapped Shrimp a perfect Appetizer or Dinner Entre

Okay, so some of you may know that I’m allergic to shell fish. So about 3 weeks ago at the beginning of Lent we went to Costco my hubby’s favorite emporium at they had large prawns at $5.00 a pound. Which is unheard of. Now as I said before I am very allergic to shellfish but hubby and Miss J really want it so I agree and in the back of my head I thought your playing with fire. So my hubby assembled  and took pictures of this recipe with me directing him because even if I touch it there will be hives involved.  Well I didn’t touch anything I thought! But, in reality that was not the case I touched the faucets that had not been wiped down in my house and consequently, yes, I had an allergic reaction and ended up with hives. Needless to say the meal was enjoyed by my hubby and Miss J and I had a nice cup soup with a shot of Bennadryl.

Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Ingredients
1 pound of Shelled Prawns
½ pound of bacon
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon peeper

Bacon Wrapped Shrimp Equipment
Sheet of Foil size of cookie sheet
1 cookie wrack to bake on
Pam cooking spray

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

Take cookie Sheet cover with foil, Take cookie rack spray with Cooking spray

Shell and de-vein all shrimp.

Sprinkle Shrimp with garlic powder

Then Salt and Pepper

Next Wrap in bacon and place toothpick in

Place on sprayed cookie rack.

Bake in oven for 20 25 minutes until bacon is crispy.

Bon Apettit and Enjoy

Sheila Fretz