
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Drunken Meat Sauce

So as you know I am all about cooking from the items that you have in the house. I probably go to the market almost every two weeks and My husband goes to Costco for the incidentals once a week. I don’t plan to much ahead unless it is a holiday and I cook what sounds good to me that day. So as you know I did a post on Tailgating about 2 years ago and when we came home that night. I was exhausted however, I don’t believe in wasting food. So I quickly put away the 8 Italian sausage wrapped in bacon and the not used peppers and onions plus we had a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon that was left over; it was about 3/4 full . That next day it was overcast and dreary outside but I needed to make something with that food. So I made a huge pot of Grave as they call it on the East coast or Meat Sauce as they call it here on the West Coast. It was just fabulous.                                               

Drunken Meat Sauce Ingredients:
8 Italian Sausages (make sure they are Gluten free) wrapped in Bacon Chopped
2 Cups Celery finely chopped
8 Garlic cloves grated
3 Tablespoons Olive Oil
3/4 of a bottle of Wine
3 Bay Leaves
2 Tablespoon Basil
Salt and Pepper to Taste
2 Cups Grilled Onions and Peppers Chopped
2 32oz Cans of Crushed Tomatoes
1 16oz Can Stewed Tomatoes
1 can of tomato paste.

Serve with Gluten free Pasta

TIP Of The Day: Always use a good bottle of wine when cooking! If you would not drink it by itself than why would you want to contaminate your food with it!!!

Chop Celery and Brown in Olive oil until clear add garlic

Next add peppers and onions that have been chopped.

Add wine next with all of spices and Salt and Pepper to taste.

Cook for about 35-40 minutes 

Last add Tomatoes both crushed and stewed plus paste cook on low for next 3 to 4 hours stirring occasionally.


Bon Appetite!


1 comment:

  1. I hate wasting food as well. This looks delicious and an awesome way to use up some leftover veggies and whatever else. And anything with wine always tastes good to me :)
